"30 Days to a New You: The ABCs of Fasting and Finding Your True Self"

"Breaking Strong Beliefs: How the ABCs of Fasting Can Help Retrain Your Mind"

Are you struggling to break free from negative beliefs and patterns in your life? Look no further than ""30 Days to a New You: The ABCs of Fasting and Finding Your True Self" This book provides a unique approach to retraining your mind by prompting you to fast away anything negative using the alphabet. Each letter as a prompt to spark a subject you want to fast, allowing you to address your issues head-on. For instance, the letter A prompts you to let go of the need to analyze everything and instead trust that what you said or did was good enough. With the ABC's of Fasting, you can overcome strongholds and outdated beliefs and patterns that have been holding you back.

Finding Your True Self

In addition to fasting, "30 Days to a New You" also explores the concept of self-discovery. Many of us go through life without truly knowing who we are and what we want. This book offers practical tips and exercises that will help you connect with your inner self and uncover your true desires and aspirations. You'll learn how to set meaningful goals and take actionable steps toward achieving them.

ABCs Approach

The ABCs approach is the cornerstone of "30 Days to a New You." This method breaks down the transformation process into three essential elements: Awareness, Belief, and Consistency understanding ABCs you'll be able to identify the habits and thought patterns that are holding you back and create a personalized strategy for overcoming them.

How to Get Started

"30 Days to a New You” is a practical guide that will help you transform your life in just thirty days. get started, Coming soon to large retail stores.

Once you have the book, set aside thirty uninterrupted days to commit to the process. Follow the steps outlined in the book each day, and you'll be amazed at how far you'll come in just one month.

Ranking on Google

Would you like to know how to get your hands on "30 Days to a New You" and become the best version of yourself? In addition to my website, you can purchase the book on major online retailers. But that's not all! To ensure this book ranks high on Google and other search engines, I encourage you to leave a review and share your experience. This will help spread the word about the book and make it easier for others to find it. Remember, "30 Days to a New You" is not just a book; it's a life-changing experience that will help you discover your true self and unlock your full potential.

Lesley Nurse